Treatment Approach

At Kiddo Smile Pediatric Dentistry, we believe in minimally invasive treatment philosophy. We consider the child’s developmental stage, tooth’s condition, and longevity of the teeth when making dental recommendations. Your child’s dental needs may be taken care of with our Solea laser or traditional dentistry pending on the overall needs.
Besides the dental recommendations, we have four main approaches to help manage your child’s behaviour and help them accomplish their dental treatment.
  • Regardless of the types of appointment, one of our child-centred approaches is to always inform your child what is going to happen. We demonstrate the steps, show them the tools and allow your child to experience and feel our instruments and materials prior to those being applied to the mouth. We give them time to explore and ask questions. We proceed to perform treatment only after your child is feeling safe and has confidence in understanding the procedures.
  • The use of nitrous oxide or “laughing gas” offers many benefits for children anxious about dental procedures. Your child will inhale the nitrous oxide through the nose. This type of mild sedation dentistry helps to reduce feelings of fear for children who are able to follow instructions but a little nervous. It is safe for use with children and has a fast recovery. We always administer pure oxygen before and after the nitrous oxide to ensure efficacy of the method and also to clear the nitrous oxide completely out of your child’s body system prior to leaving the clinic.
  • We are pleased to offer oral sedation in a liquid form that your child will drink in a flavoured mixture. It is a safe and comfortable method for children with anxiety or who have a hard time sitting for a longer period of time for more complex dental procedures.
  • This is a moderate sedation compared to nitrous oxide, but still a “waking sedation” where your child will continue to be responsive to instructions but feeling more tired. Your child may take a short nap, but will be easily woken at the end of the treatment.
  • General anaesthesia is a safe and effective option for children who require extensive dental treatment or have severe dental anxiety. It induces a deep sleep-like state, ensuring a safer and more positive experience. Your child will be sleeping through the appointment and receive all necessary treatment in one visit. For our patients who require this option, our team provides treatment out of the surgical facility AFD (Anesthesia for Dentistry), where your child will be monitored continuously by an Anesthesiologist one-on-one as our Kiddo Smile dental team completes the treatment.
  • Established in 2003, each year AFD provides over 3000 general anaesthesia care for patients in need. AFD is dedicated to dental procedures and provides the most number of general anesthetics for dentistry in BC.
  • Link to AFD website:

Kiddo Smile, a Vancouver-based Pediatric dental clinic, specialises in prioritising your children in their dental journeys. A fun space and motivational team to provide the best experience to keep those little smiles shining big! Among our areas of expertise are prevention, dental laser treatment, cosmetic fillings, sedation dentistry, tongue and lip tie evaluations, special needs program, and more.