
At Kiddo Smile Pediatric Dentistry, we are happy to assist in your child’s emergency needs.


There are various reasons that a child may be experiencing pain in or around the mouth. It can be from a deep cavity, a chipped tooth, a cut from a foreign object such as fingernail, a toy or food, cheek or lip biting, canker sore, wiggly baby tooth, new tooth erupting, ulcers from falling or other origins. Please contact our office if your child is experiencing discomfort and we are happy to help!

Trauma Management

Concussion. Yes you are reading it right! Teeth can have concussion. This means your child’s teeth may feel tender upon touch but no chip off, displacement, mobility or bleeding. → observe! 

Subluxation. Tooth is mobile, tender, and you see some bleeding along the gumline. No displacement. → observe! Please feel free to take your child into the clinic for our doctors to check on the mobile tooth. We typically observe with a soft diet and take x-rays as needed.

Luxation. A tooth can be pushed in (shorter) or out (longer), tipping outwards or tipping inwards. The most common situation is the tooth is pushed in (shorter). Recommended care may be different for these kinds of trauma. Please give us a call so we can arrange to see your child! 

Fracture. A tooth may have fracture only involving the enamel, or into dentin, or into the nerve. It could also be a horizontal fracture or vertical. It can also involve the root. If a baby tooth is only chipped off superficially around enamel, it can be monitored. Please give us a call if your child has other types of chipped baby teeth. If your child chipped the permanent teeth, please contact us as soon as possible!

Avulsion. Please do not put it back to reduce the chance of the baby tooth fusing with the bone and preventing the jaw bone from growing in that particular spot. 


  • Time is essential! Please place the tooth back into the socket IMMEDIATELY if it’s clean or quickly after rinse gently with milk, saline, or saliva (avoid water). Do not rub on the root surface. Tooth replanted within 60 minutes has the best prognosis and the earlier the better!
  • If you are not sure or if replanting the tooth is not possible (unconscious patient), please transport the tooth in a medium (do not let it dry out!). The preferred medium in order: milk, HBSS, saliva (after spitting into a glass for instance), or saline. Please avoid water but if there is no other option, keeping it in water is better than letting it dry.
  • Contact our clinic right away and a splint should be placed to stabilise the tooth!


Kiddo Smile, a Vancouver-based Pediatric dental clinic, specialises in prioritising your children in their dental journeys. A fun space and motivational team to provide the best experience to keep those little smiles shining big! Among our areas of expertise are prevention, dental laser treatment, cosmetic fillings, sedation dentistry, tongue and lip tie evaluations, special needs program, and more.