There are different tools that are available for frenectomy, including scissors and many different kinds of lasers. All tools can perform successful releases. At Kiddo Smile Pediatric Dentistry, we perform our frenectomy with Solea laser (can this be linked to the Solea page? Or have a “Read More” at the end of this section that links to the Solea Laser page). It is a CO2 laser and approved by the FDA to use on soft and hard tissue. We select this laser for its efficiency in the procedure and therefore limiting the bleeding and promoting healing.
Parents are welcome to observe the procedure as a silent observer at Kiddo Smile Pediatric Dentistry. Everyone will be provided with laser protective eyewear. Infant will be placed in a swaddle toprevent hand movements during the procedure. Our assistant will make sure the eyewear on your child is secure as well as gently holding your child during the release. A tongue director may be used to isolate and visualise the area. After the release, we encourage caregivers to practise the stretches and exercises again with our team. And feeding immediately after is encouraged.
That is perfectly okay! Coming in for a consultation does not mean that a Frenectomy will occur. This is a big decision to make and we encourage each family to consider their choice. There are important exercises that must be maintained following a release in order to support optimal healing, and we may suggest spending a few days practising these prior to your decision. We encourage working with body workers to continue improving your child’s oral function while a decision is being made. Body workers can include lactation consultant, infant feeding physiotherapist, pediatric chiropractor, oral myofunctional therapist, craniosacral therapist, speech-language pathologist, registered massage therapist (RMT), and so on. We will always respect your family’s decision.
Kiddo Smile, a Vancouver-based Pediatric dental clinic, specialises in prioritising your children in their dental journeys. A fun space and motivational team to provide the best experience to keep those little smiles shining big! Among our areas of expertise are prevention, dental laser treatment, cosmetic fillings, sedation dentistry, tongue and lip tie evaluations, special needs program, and more.
* 1 Thursday per month our clinic will be closed to accommodate the 1 open Saturday.
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