1st Dental Visit

First visit =
☝🏻First birthday🎂 

Why so early?!

  • It is important to stay at the “prevention” side of dentistry. A big part of the 1st visit is to provide caregivers the tools and knowledge to rock and roll 🤘🏻in promoting good oral health for the kids.
  • First visit also allows little ones to get familiar with their dental home 🏡 prevention = fun = no anxiety!
  • Baby teeth do matter a lot. It affects your child’s dental habit and sets their motivation to have good oral hygiene into adulthood. THIS IS GOLD ✨
  • Healthy baby teeth = normal function for nutrient intake = proper growth = super important for the little ones! 💪🏻

Prevention goes
a long way

  • We see dental cavities start in children as young as 1-year-old.
  • Up to 38.9 % of 5 yo children in BC have Early Childhood Caries (ECC) – Can J Public Health. 2015 May 4: 106(5)
  • ECC is the top reason for out-patient surgery in Canada. Costs $21 million annually – Canadian Institute for Health Information
  • Dental cavity is the most common chronic disease in children & adults.
  • Dental cavity may not cause pain!
  • Even when infection develops, your child may not be in pain or complaint when eating.
  • It’s usually late when a child starts to experience spontaneous pain.
  • $1 spent on preventive dental care can save $8- $50 in restorative & emergency visits – Signa Healthcare (Medicare – USA)
  • Stay positive! kids feed off of our emotions. Do not project anxiety onto them.
  • Prepare them with pictures, books, or cartoons, role play, and etc to introduce the idea of dental check up.
  • It is normal for some little ones to feel unsure, or may have tears. Every child is different. Don’t feel stressed if your child doesn’t want to sit in the dental chair at first. There’s always a starting point and we aim on the experience and progress ✨
  • Early morning for the little ones for best energy and attention
    Or pick a time that you know best for your little one
  • Bring a familiar “friend” with. We often demonstrate and let kids play dentist for warm up 🤗
  • Make the unfamiliar faces “familiar”. Check out our website for pictures of team members and the clinic


Kiddo Smile, a Vancouver-based Pediatric dental clinic, specialises in prioritising your children in their dental journeys. A fun space and motivational team to provide the best experience to keep those little smiles shining big! Among our areas of expertise are prevention, dental laser treatment, cosmetic fillings, sedation dentistry, tongue and lip tie evaluations, special needs program, and more.